Technically speaking, Apple's truly wireless in-ear headphones, the AirPods, have supported Siri right out of the gate. With the first-generation model, though, you had to double-tap to invoke the digital personal assistant and get something done. For someone like me, that meant not having the ability to quickly double-tap to skip a song or play a track again, which meant that wasn't an option.
So I never used Siri with my first-gen AirPods, and, in all honesty, I didn't miss the feature. Siri isn't something I typically rely upon when I'm out and about. But, the more I've used the second-generation AirPods with the "Hey Siri" feature, I realize that really has more to do with the fact it wasn't a quick option for me.
Now that Siri is easier to access, though? I'm using it a lot.
Not all the time, but definitely a lot more than I used to. And while Apple doesn't have an exclusive hold on this sort of thing, this is the best type of feature that company's can release. Something that you don't think you need, use, or evenĀ want, but then you try it out one time and suddenly it's something you're using way more often.
I still won't talk to Siri when I'm in a public area, though. I've watched people give others strange looks while they use their AirPods to be on the phone (something I've so far avoided, thankfully), so I can only imagine the looks I'd get if I sat there demanding things from Siri.
Part of that is how well it works. Just saying "Hey Siri" in a casual tone will get the feature working, and then it's as easy as telling the assistant to stop playing music, or turn down the volume a little. It's quick and easy, and it still leaves me room to double-tap to skip or play a song again. Now I'm not so worried about having my hands full with groceries or something like that, which was always a little annoying with the first-gen AirPods in some situations.
I didn't think I'd care about "Hey Siri" in the 2nd-gen AirPods, that it was just going to be a baked-in feature I never used. But now I've come to terms with how helpful it is, and I don't think I'll stop using it anytime soon. But what about you? Did you pick up some new AirPods and, if so, have you adapted to using "Hey Siri"? Let me know!