When Samsung first confirmed its Galaxy Note 7 recall, it said there had been 35 reports of the phablet exploding. That number is growing, though, and it appears that Samsung is making a move to stop that.
Samsung has announced a Galaxy Note 7 software update that will limit the device to a 60 percent charge. The goal of blocking the Note 7 from being charged beyond 60 percent is to prevent the phone from overheating and exploding.
This update has been announced for South Korea, and it’ll begin rolling out to users there on Sept. 20. It’s unclear when it might be released in other parts of the globe.
Only being able to charge your phone to 60 percent sounds kind of annoying. Samsung has urged Note 7 owners to stop using their phone and turn it off, though, and for those that don’t follow Samsung's instructions, this software update could prevent more injuries caused by exploding Galaxy Note 7s.