Earlier this year, Twitter confirmed that it would enable longer tweets by excluding attachments and usernames from the 140-character limit on a tweet. Twitter didn’t say exactly when this change would go into effect, but today a new report claims to have the date.
Twitter will begin excluding photos, videos, usernames, and more from the 140-character tweet limit on Sept. 19. That’s according to a new report from The Verge.
Whenever this feature goes into effect, it will exclude the names of other Twitter users, photos, GIFs, videos, polls, and quoted tweets from the 140-character limit on tweets.
One hundred and forty characters may sound like a lot, but when you want to add a photo, poll, or something else to your tweet, you can quickly find yourself running out of space. Soon that won’t be an issue, though, which should help users better get their point across when posting a tweet with multimedia.