Earlier this year, DisplayMate gave the Samsung Galaxy S7 the title of “Best Smartphone Display.” Now the Galaxy Note 7 has stolen that honor from its Galaxy sibling.
DisplayMate put the Galaxy Note 7 through its testing and determined that it has “the most innovative and high performance smartphone display” that they’ve ever tested. The group even said that the Note 7’s display “leapfrogs” the screens found on both the Galaxy Note 5 and Galaxy S7.
So what makes the Note 7’s screen so great? DisplayMate touted the Note 7’s four different screen modes that can be selected by the user, three of which are accurately calibrated to industry-standard color gamuts. Each of these four screen modes also has “very accurate colors.”
DisplayMate also highlighted the Note 7’s peak brightness of more than 1,000 nits as well as its contrast rating for high ambient light of 124 to 228, which is the highest DisplayMate has measured. The Note 7’s front and rear ambient lights sensors were given praise, too, for offering improved automatic brightness settings.
The Super AMOLED displays on Samsung’s flagship smartphones are regularly touted as being some of the best in the smartphone industry, and so it’s not surprising to see the Note 7 getting praise for its 5.7-inch 2560x1440 panel. I’m sure that Samsung is still pleased to get DisplayMate’s praise, though, as are the folks that’ve pre-ordered the Note 7 ahead of its August 19 launch.
Have you pre-ordered a Note 7? If not, does DisplayMate’s report have you thinking about pre-ordering?