We’ve seen quite a few banks added to Samsung Pay lately, but now it’s Android Pay that’s growing its list of supported banks.
The Android Pay website has been updated to show that more banks now support Google’s mobile payment service. As noted by Droid-Life, Android Pay now supports 48 additional banks, including Capital One. The full list of newly-added banks looks like this:
- Advia Credit Union
- Affinity Plus Federal Credit Union
- Alcoa Tenn Federal Credit Union
- Altra Federal Credit Union
- Amegy Bank
- Arsenal FCU
- Bank-Fund Staff Federal Credit Union
- Bank of England (England, Arkansas)
- Benchmark Federal Credit Union
- Blackhawk Community Credit Union
- California Bank & Trust
- Capital One
- Catholic and Community CU
- Centier Bank
- Citizens Bank & Trust Company
- Consumers Cooperative FCU
- dominion Credit Union
- Fidelity Bank
- First Atlantic CU
- First Community Credit Union
- Great Lakes Credit Union
- Greater Iowa Credit Union
- Hiway Federal Credit Union
- Inova Federal Credit Union
- Justice Federal Credit Union
- KeyBank
- Lake Michigan Credit Union
- Marine Federal Credit Union
- MAX Credit Union
- Metro Health Services Federal Credit Union
- Mission Federal Credit Union
- Nasa Federal Credit Union
- National Bank of Arizona
- Nevada State Bank
- Numark Credit Union
- Nusenda Federal Credit Union
- Oregon Community Credit Union
- Richfield/Bloomington Credit Union (rbcu)
- San Mateo Credit Union
- Suncoast Federal Credit Union
- The Bank of Northwest Kansas
- Truwest Credit Union
- University Federal Credit Union
- UW Credit Union
- Vectra Bank Colorado
- Vinton County National Bank
- Wright Patman Congressional Federal Credit Union
- Zions Bank
If a mobile payment service hopes to gain traction with consumers, it needs to support a variety of banks so that more people can actually try it. Now that Android Pay supports all of these new banks, folks that use them can now try Android Pay and maybe even integrate the service into their daily lives.
Do you use Android Pay?