Last month, Google launched the Android N Developer Preview to enable anyone to test the next major Android update before it’s released to the public. The catch is that the Android N Developer Preview is only available to Nexus devices, but that may not always be the case.
Some code discovered in the Android Developers website suggests that Google may be planning to expand the Android N Developer Preview to non-Nexus hardware. Spotted by Reddit user FUNExtreme, the code lists “More supported devices, including devices from OEM partners” as a new feature of the Android N Developer Preview. You can check the whole part out for yourself below.
While this text is located in the code of a legit Google website, you should still try to contain your excitement just a bit. Nothing is official until Google says it is, and even if Google really is currently planning on making the Android N Developer Preview to non-Nexus devices, it could end up scrapping those plans for one reason or another.
If Google does indeed end up offering the Android N Developer Preview to non-Nexus hardware, it’ll be interesting to see how the whole thing works. Most non-Nexus devices include custom user interfaces from their manufacturers, but could those devices be given vanilla Android with the N Developer Preview? It’s unclear exactly how everything would work out, but I bet that there would be a lot of folks that’d jump at the chance to load the Android N Developer Preview onto their Samsung, LG, or HTC phone. For now we’ll just have to wait and see if this leak becomes official.
Would you load the Android N Developer Preview onto your phone if you had the opportunity?