Earlier this month, Nextbit said that its cloud-centric Robin phone would begin shipping on February 16. The CDMA model was originally expected to start going out in February, too, but today Nextbit revealed that that’s not going to happen.
In an update posted to the Robin’s Kickstarter page, Nextbit says that it “got a little carried away in the excitement of the campaign” when it said that the CDMA Robin would arrive in February. Now that Nextbit is working on the CDMA Robin’s testing schedule, though, the company expects that an April launch is “more realistic.”
The CDMA Robin is largely similar to the GSM model that’ll arrive in February, but it includes support for the Sprint and Verizon networks in the US. That’s a big deal for a Kickstarter-backed smartphone, as we usually see devices like these stick to GSM networks. So while it’s kind of a bummer that CDMA users will have to wait a bit longer for their Robin, at least Sprint and Verizon folk are able to get a Robin at all.
Do you have a Nextbit Robin coming your way?