Facebook seems to be constantly tweaking its News Feed, adding features or tweaking the look of the feed of your friends’ updates. The latest addition to the News Feed is all about the music.
Facebook is adding Music Stories to the News Feed, which are 30-second clips of songs shared from Apple Music and Spotify. The Music Stories include an image of the album artwork, the song title and artist, the name of the service that it was shared from, and a button that’ll kick you to Apple Music or Spotify to stream the full track or buy it from iTunes.
Right now, only Apple Music and Spotify are supported in Music Stories. Facebook does say that it plans to expand support to other unspecified streaming music services soon.
Sharing songs to Facebook isn’t anything new, but these new Music Stories will make it easier for your friends to actually get an idea of why you dig the music that you post because it’ll let them listen to a snippet right in the Facebook app, even without having Apple Music or Spotify installed. The Music Stories don’t look too shabby, either. There are a few downsides, like the fact that you can’t actually stream a full song in Facebook and that Music Stories is currently only available on iOS. Just like Facebook is planning to add more music services, though, I’d imagine that they’ll at least add Music Stories to Android at some point soon.