Sprint's International Value Roaming add-on will give you free data and texting overseas

Sprint today announced a new plan add-on aimed at consumers that travel internationally.

Sprint’s new International Value Roaming is a free add-on that’ll give you free 2G data roaming in “major areas” of regions like Latin America, Europe, and Japan. The countries in which you can get that free data are Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, El Salvador, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Spain, Chile, Costa Rica, Panama, Germany, Japan, Russia, South Korea, and the United Kingdom. In addition to free data roaming, International Value Roaming offers unlimited text messaging and calling at a rate of 20 cents per minute.

If you’d prefer a faster data connection while you’re overseas, Sprint also offers International Speed Data Roaming Passes. These packages offer data up to 3G speeds at rates of 1 day/100MB for $15, 7 days/200MB for $25, and 14 days/500MB for $50. Once you use up your data allotment, your speeds will return to 2G, International Value Roaming levels.

Obviously these international roaming data speeds aren’t going to be like the 4G LTE speeds that you’re used to at home, but the International Value Roaming add-on will keep you connected with email and some light web browsing when you need it. And since International Value Roaming is free, you can just add it to your account before going overseas and not have to worry about data limits or overages.

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