Three months after launching Data Stash, T-Mobile today expanded its data rollover feature.
Starting March 22, Data Stash will be available to T-Mobile customers on Simple Choice prepaid plans. The prepaid version of Data Stash will work just like the postpaid version, meaning that Simple Choice prepaid customers can roll their unused data up to one year. Additionally, those prepaid customers will automatically receive a 10GB Starter Stash to get them going.
Mobile customers have been clamoring for data rollover for some time now, and some carriers recently began offering the feature. Now that T-Mobile is letting prepaid customers Data Stashes of their own, here’s to hoping that we continue to see similar features offered by other carriers. After all, most folks are now on tiered or shared plans, and so I’m sure that they’d like to have a reserve to dip into if they need it.