Rumors regarding the HTC One (M9) and its design have been flying lately, with images that apparently showed the device’s internals inside a dummy case and reports that HTC is making a few changes to the look of its next Android flagship. Today those reports appear to have been confirmed by a new One (M9) image leak.
Prominent leaker @evleaks has been retired from the leaking game for a while, but today he made a brief return by sharing what appears to be images of both the HTC One (M9) and the One (M9) Plus. The design of the One (M9) appears to line up with recent rumors, sporting redesigned BoomSound speakers that are slits at the top and bottom of the device’s face, as well as a centered front-facing camera.
Meanwhile, the One (M9) Plus sports a similar design to the regular One (M9), but appears to be a bit larger. The bigger device also has an oblong button-looking object beneath its screen that could be a fingerprint reader.
Old habits die hard...
— Evan Blass (@evleaks) January 28, 2015
Unfortunately, this leaked image doesn’t show the back of either of HTC’s new phones, so we don’t get to see the One (M9)’s rumored 20.7-megapixel camera. What we can see looks pretty nice, though. The new One (M9) and its redesigned BoomSound speakers make the device look much sleeker and cleaner, and they also make the HTC logo much less obtrusive than it was on the One (M8).
So what do you think of this new HTC One (M9) and One (M9) Plus leak? Do you like this new-look HTC flagship?