When you drop you phone and cause its screen to shatter, that usually means that you’ll be out one or two hundred bucks to get the display repaired. If you’re a Nexus 5 owner, though, that may not be the case.
Several Nexus 5 owners are reporting that they’ve been able to get Google to replace their cracked screen unit with a refurbished model for no charge. Google confirmed the news to TechCrunch, describing it as a new “exception.”
So how can you take advantage of this offer? Well, you’ll need to have purchased your Nexus 5 through the Google Play Store. You’ll also need to be within one year of the date that you purchased the device. So long as you haven’t gotten a replacement in the past and you’re ok with getting a refurb, there’s a chance that Google will give you an N5 to replace your cracked screen unit.
There’s no guarantee that the Google rep that you speak to will grant your “exception” and send you a refurb Nexus 5, so if you’ve got a cracked unit and want a replacement, it’s probably wise to be kind. It’s also worth noting that this exception is apparently only being made in the U.S. now.
Despite the fact that this offer comes with quite a few criteria that must be met before a refurb is sent, it’s still great to hear that Google is handing out non-cracked N5s to consumers that’ve shattered the display on their smartphone. After all, I’m sure we can all agree that using a cracked screen with your hands can be a harrowing experience.
Via +Joshua D., TechCrunch