On August 28, Apple officially sent out invites to their media event taking place on September 9. On that date, it's expected that the Cupertino-based company will unveil the 4.7- and 5.5-inch iPhone 6. At the same time, Apple's also expected to unveil their wearable device, too. But for those who are looking forward to the smaller variant of Apple's new flagship, a new hands-on video of a device reportedly pieced together from leaked parts may be enough to hold you over for now.
The video comes from Russian YouTuber Rozetked, and it's just over three minutes in length. In that time, we get a nice, in-depth and high-quality view of what's believed to be the 4.7-inch iPhone 6. While not official by any means, the device in the video is said to be put together from individual leaked parts that have made their way out into the world. With those, this is the space gray iPhone 6 that was put together.
We get to see how it compares to the 4-inch iPhone 5s, and there is very clearly a noticeable size difference. As is par for the course with the latest leaks of the iPhone 6, too, there are the distinct antenna breaks on the back of the handset. Those breaks have been in quite a few images of the "put together" iPhone 6 (including a separate video), while many renders of the handset have imagined what the device would look like without them. It will be interesting to see what the final design looks like, as Apple gears up to announce it in just over a week's time.
How do you think it looks? You can check out the full video through the Rozetked source link below.