Verizon recently moved the launch date of its Samsung Galaxy S 4 up to May 23, a full week earlier than its original release date, but it looks like some Big Red folk may be getting their unit even sooner. Several Verizon customers have told Droid-Life that they've received notifications that their pre-ordered Galaxy S 4s have already shipped out, with some units expected to be delivered by Tuesday or Wednesday.
Verizon's full-on launch of its Galaxy S 4 is scheduled to go down this Thursday, so these pre-order customers will be receiving their devices a day or two ahead of the public release. That may not sound like much, but as I'm sure just about any of us can attest, any extra time that can be spent with a shiny new smartphone is welcome. Any Verizon customers that haven't yet placed a pre-order for the Galaxy S 4 will be able to snag a unit in stores on May 23 for $199.99 with a two-year contract and $50 mail-in rebate.
Via Droid-Life