Looks like Kyocera's got a couple of new CDMA-powered Android smartphones up its sleeve. An image posted to Twitter by @evleaks claims to show two devices referred to as the "Kyocera Elite" and "Kyocera XTRM" for Verizon and U.S. Cellular, respectively.
No spec details have been posted with the leak, and the small images make it kind of tough to glean much about the phones. The Verizon-bound Elite does appear to have front and rear-facing cameras as well as a set of on-screen navigation keys. Meanwhile, the "XTRM" name of the U.S. Cellular model and its protruding corners make it look like a ruggedized piece of hardware. Both phones also sport "4G LTE" branding on their backsides.
We don't see many Kyocera-made devices on the shelves of either Verizon or U.S. Cellular, especially when it comes to smartphones, so it's good to see that both carriers will soon be adding some new Kyocera products to their lineups. It's always nice to have more options when hunting for a new handset, right? However, much like the phones themselves, the launch dates of these devices are a mystery for now. Here's to hoping that we'll hear something official from Kyocera, Verizon and U.S. Cellular soon.
Via @evleaks