Less than a week after getting an early peek at the ZTE Grand S and learning some of its specs, a couple more details about the device have surfaced. According to reports from Engadget Chinese and MyDrivers, ZTE recently held a "Designers Night" at which it revealed that the Grand S will measure in at 6.9mm thick, making it one of the most svelte handsets around. To compare that with some handsets that you may be familiar with, the HTC DROID DNA is 9.73mm thick, the Samsung Galaxy S III is 8.6mm thick and the Apple iPhone 5 is 7.6mm thick. The slides shown at the event also revealed that the Grand S will feature a 13-megapixel rear camera.
A listing on the official CES website has already confirmed that the Grand S features a 5-inch 1080p display and that ZTE's new handset is due to make its grand debut on Jan. 8. The Grand S is actually one of several upcoming smartphones that will tout a 5-inch 1080p screen, and while it's not yet clear if the Grand S will also feature a quad-core processor like those other devices, it certainly wouldn't be a surprise to see ZTE toss one into the phone's 6.9mm frame. Speaking of, what do you all think of the Grand S's size? Would a phone that's 6.9mm thick make you reach for you wallet or do you think that that's getting just a bit too thin?