We've known for a while now that Dish Network has aspirations of entering the wireless market, and according to a new report, the company will soon be dipping its toes in the mobile phone water. Two sources speaking to Bloomberg claim that Dish is planning to start selling phones in brick and mortar Blockbuster stores as a way to test its wireless plans. Dish Chairman Charlie Ergen has said that the company has been planning to sell phones in Blockbuster stores since April 2011. Blockbuster already offers some devices on its website, with AT&T, T-Mobile and Verizon phones all available, and it's said that that effort could shift to 850 Blockbuster stores.
Dish has been seeking approval from the FCC to build out a wireless network using some spectrum that it's acquired, and while the company has yet to officially get the green light from the agency, FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski has come out in support of Dish's plans. It's also been rumored that Dish and Google may be teaming up to offer service, but so far there's been no hard evidence to support those claims. It certainly sounds like Dish is serious about giving this whole "entering the wireless business" thing a go, though, and it'll be interesting to see what it can do if it's given the thumbs-up from the FCC.