Earlier this year, a U.K. judge ruled that Samsung did not copy the design of the iPad with its Galaxy Tab products, and after making the decision he ordered Apple to post a notice of the ruling both on its website and in local newspapers. Apple issued a statement on its website last month (though it was recently deemed "non-compliant"), and now the Cupertino firm has followed that up with a notice in newsprint. The Next Web has shared an image taken by Tim Acheson showing the notice in a copy of today's Guardian. The statement is much shorter than the online notice and lacks mention of the U.K. judge's statements about Samsung's Galaxy Tabs being "not as cool" as the iPad as well as Apple's legal victories over Samsung.
Along with today's statement in a newspaper, Apple also recently removed the notice from its website that was first put up last month. A U.K. court of appeal ordered Apple to take the statement down yesterday after deeming it "non-compliant" and told the company that it must rewrite the notice and place it on the Apple home page.
This newspaper statement is likely more what the judge's would like to see from Apple since it's just a straight-up notice of the court's decision. Considering that this notice is in print and can't be easily removed and altered like one on a website can be, I'm sure that Apple would like the court to be happy with this briefer notice so that it doesn't have to print a statement a second time. It's not clear if we'll see this same short notice posted on Apple's website soon, but the company was ordered to post a new announcement on its website within 48 orders of yesterday's order, so it shouldn't be long before we find out. We'll give you a shout once the new notice goes live.
Via The Next Web, Tim Acheson