Late last week, the jury in the trial between Apple and Samsung delivered its verdict, siding with Apple on most of its decisions. The two companies released their own statements reacting to the news, and now Google has issued its own statement to The Verge regarding the ruling. The company says that the court of appeals will take another look at the claims of infringement and the validity of the patents involved, adding that most of the patents "don't relate to the core Android operating system." Google's reaction to the verdict ends with it saying that it works with its partners to help produce "innovative and affordable products" and that it doesn't want anything to stop that. The full statement:
"The court of appeals will review both infringement and the validity of the patent claims. Most of these don't relate to the core Android operating system, and several are being re-examined by the US Patent Office. The mobile industry is moving fast and all players — including newcomers — are building upon ideas that have been around for decades. We work with our partners to give consumers innovative and affordable products, and we don't want anything to limit that."
Google's reaction to the Apple-Samsung verdict isn't terribly surprising, as the search company is obviously leaning towards Samsung's side of things by saying that that the U.S. Patent Office is re-examining several of the patents involved and that all companies involved in the fast-moving mobile industry "are building upon ideas that have been around for decades." Still, it doesn't appear that Google is will be swinging into action to protect Samsung just yet.
In addition to its official statement from last week, Samsung has also posted an internal memo on the Samsung Tomorrow site in reaction to the verdict. Unsurprisingly, Samsung says that it's "very disappointed" with the decision, adding that courts in other countries ruled that it didn't infringe upon Apple's designs. The company goes on to promise that it'll do all it can to get its arguments in the case accepted and that it believes that consumers "will side those who prioritize innovation over litigation."
In other Samsung legal news, it appears that the company is trying to get a U.S. injunction against its Galaxy Tab 10.1 tossed out. The Tab 10.1 was originally hit with an in junction back at the end of June due to an Apple design patent related to the iPad. However, in the recent Apple-Samsung trial verdict, the jury ruled that the Tab 10.1 didn't infringe upon this patent. Now Samsung wants that June injunction stopped and is also requesting that the court hold on to the $2.6 million bond that Apple put down to put the injunction into effect until a hearing on any potential damages can be held. There's no word yet on when such a hearing might take place, but obviously Samsung would like it to happen sooner rather than later. You can find the company's full motion at the PDF link below.
Via The Verge (1), (2), Samsung Tomorrow, Samsung motion (PDF)