With the top five smartphones on the People's Choice side of the Official Smartphone Rankings staying in place for another week, we feature a user review for the Apple iPhone 4S on this Thursday. Including some humor, PhoneDog fan Adam Kelly took the time to explain why the iPhone 4S currently does all he needs in the review below.
"Does all I need, and more." By ADAM KELLY on July 20, 2012
I've taken to this phone more than past Android ones. While now more than ever you can't go wrong with ANY OS, the iPhone is simple, easy, and heavily supported. And I like knowing that updates are always around the corner and provided directly from Apple. I think the most overlooked feature of an iPhone is the numerous accessories. I'm pretty sure I can dock this thing to my Grandma. Keep it up Apple, Android and Windows Phone! We all benefit from each other.
Display 5/5
Battery Life 5/5
Apps & Media Support 5/5
Reception & Call Quality 4/5
Design/Form Factor 5/5
Overall 4.8