Making the biggest upward movement on the Official Smartphone Rankings chart this week, the Samsung Galaxy Nexus global landed in third position. Put up against the LG Optimus 4S HD in Aaron's latest dogfight video, the Galaxy Nexus global is a device loved by many including PhoneDog fan DMESURE who rated it a 5.0 .
"the best screen ever, always updates from google (android Jelly bean 4.1 ) , curve screen" By DMESURE
It's beautiful, very good price for such a good phone, removable battery, the curved screen gives the phone a nice look, always gets the first android updates, you can connect it to a desktop dock with the puins on the side which is very helpfull because then you can use your phone as a clock while it's charging, while watching vids you can watch full screen and your buttons on the bottom of the screen will dissapear.
Display 5/5
Battery Life 5/5
Apps & Media Support 5/5
Reception & Call Quality 5/5
Design/Form Factor 5/5
Overall 5.0