Hot on the heels of news that T-Mobile's Galaxy S III launch will be split into two phases, Sprint has provided an update on its Galaxy S III availability. The carrier has announced that "due to overwhelming demand and limited supply" of the Galaxy S III, the 16GB model will be available online and through Sprint telesales on June 21, with remaining sales channels receiving the device next week. For folks that've already pre-ordered, Sprint says that it's "optimistic" that it'll be shipped all 16GB Galaxy S III pre-orders this week. Deliveries of the 16GB version are expected to occur on June 21, though Sprint notes that there's a chance that they could arrive a day or two late. Sprint anticipates that the pre-orders of the 32GB Galaxy S III will begin shipping next week.
This news is definitely a bit of a disappointment for customers that were planning to waltz into their friendly neighborhood Sprint store to pick up a Galaxy S III on June 21. However, those folks will still be able to order online or over the phone on Thursday, and thankfully the wait for in-store availability doesn't appear to be terribly long. As HTC EVO 4G LTE owners can attest, the delay could certainly be worse. How many of you have are planning on picking up a Sprint Galaxy S III or have already pre-ordered one?
Via Sprint