Rounding out the work week on this Friday is a featured user review for the Samsung Galaxy Nexus LTE. Now available at Sprint and Verizon, this review is offered by PhoneDog fan Jose Gaytan who review the Verizon model on March 31, 2012.
Best Android phone I've ever used By Jose Gaytan, posted: Mar 31
I'm glad the Galaxy Nexus came to Verizon, I have never had a dropped call and the 4g LTE is like lightning. Although i do love this phone i would change a few things, such as the camera, memory, and of course the battery life. The camera is really nice but i would like to see more quality. 32GBs is a lot of memory but i wish i could also have an SD card. Finally the battery life, that's a big one. I find myself charging around 5PM which i would like to see last longer. I have the 2100 extended battery but it's not enough. Over all this is a great phone, especially for rooting and flashing roms!
Display 5/5
Battery Life 3/5
Apps & Media Support 5/5
Reception & Call Quality 5/5
Design/Form Factor 5/5
Overall 4.6