Last year Sony Ericsson said that it expected to begin pushing Ice Cream Sandwich updates to its 2011 Xperia device in late March or early April, and today Sony has offered up a bit more information on its Android 4.0 rollout. On its official blog, Sony says that the first handsets to see ICS will be the Xperia arc S, Xperia neo V and Xperia ray, with upgrades expected to begin in mid-April and continue for four to six weeks. The Xperia arc, Xperia Play, Xperia neo, Xperia mini, Xperia mini pro, Xperia pro, Xperia active and Sony Ericsson Live with Walkman will follow, with updates for those devices expected to begin in late May or early June. The updates will only be available for download through PC Companion or Bridge for Mac.
It's worth mentioning that the scheduling of Android 4.0 updates for some devices will vary by market and carrier, which is something that Sony takes care to note in its announcement. Still, it's good to see Sony keeping us up to date on its ICS rollout plans, and I'm sure owners of all of these 2011 Xperia handsets are glad to have an idea of when they'll be getting a taste of Google's latest dessert.
As for one of Sony's more recent additions to the Xperia family, the company has shed a bit more light on when the Xperia S will be bumped up to Android 4.0. Those of you interested in the Xperia S (or those of you that may already have one) can expect to see ICS on the handset's 4.3-inch 720p display in "the later part of the second quarter." As usual, you can bet that we'll pass along more details on Sony's Android 4.0 rollout as we get them. Any of you have one of the Xperia models that'll soon be joining the ICS club?