Looks like one of MetroPCS's unlimited LTE plans has bitten the dust. The carrier confirmed today that its $40 unlimited LTE plan, which included unlimited talk, text, mobile web and YouTube access, was given the axe late last year when it also stopped offering the Samsung Craft. Metro's remaining LTE plans offer unlimited voice, text, web and 1GB of multimedia streaming for $50 per month or a $60 offering that includes unlimited talk, text, web, streaming and either unlimited Rhapsody music or unlimited MetroSTUDIO Video On Demand.
It's worth noting that the current 4G LTE handsets being offered by MetroPCS — the Samsung Galaxy Attain 4G, Galaxy Indulge and LG Esteem — all require at least the aforementioned $50 LTE plan. Now that the Craft has been given the axe, there are no devices in Metro's roster that could've advantage of the recently-departed $40 plan. Speaking of MetroPCS LTE, how many of you out there are in an area with 4G service? If you are, what's your experience been like?