Verizon confirmed at the tail end of last week that it would be offering the Samsung Galaxy Nexus later this year, setting the hearts of Android fans everywhere aflutter. What Big Red didn't do at time was go into further detail about the Galaxy Nexus's availability and, sadly, it's remained mum on the device ever since. Tonight Verizon saw fit to tease us a bit by posting a sign-up page for the Galaxy Nexus on its website. There's no new information to be found, but doing a search for "Galaxy Nexus" on Verizon's site does yield the image you see below, listing the device as being available "Exclusively from Verizon."
There are likely more than a few folks frustrated by Verizon's silence concerning its Galaxy Nexus release info, but the good news is that we've got the rumor mill to satiate our appetite until Big Red gives up the goods. The potential launch date that's been kicked around the most so far? November 10th. If it holds true, we should be hearing more from Verizon soon.
UPDATE: Looks like Verizon's gone ahead and removed the "Exclusively from Verizon" line that we saw last night. Check out the new banner below.
Via VZBuzz, Verizon (1), (2)