Remember in the middle of last month when Apple added more patents to its suit against Samsung and alleged that Samsung made "products that blatantly imitate the appearance of Apple's products?" Well Samsung has finally responded to the amended complaint, adding more patents of its own and defending its devices against Apple's claims. In its answer, Samsung repeatedly states "The Samsung Defendants admit that they have not ceased competing with Apple notwithstanding Apple's efforts to avoid such competition" and explains that it's competing with, not copying, Apple. Samsung also points to its patent portfolio as well as its position in the market ("During the last half of 2010, Samsung sold more Android-based devices worldwide than any other company.") to defend itself. Finally, Samsung dropped two patents from its countersuit against Apple and added four patents relating to things like displaying data on a "portable telephone."
Samsung's definitely come out swinging against Apple's latest complaints, and it'll be interesting to see how Apple responds. One thing that's for sure: this latest entry in the Samsung v. Apple battle isn't likely to help along the settlement talks between the two firms. What do you all make of Sammy's response to Apple's claims? Are they copying or are they indeed just competing?
Via FOSS Patents