Earlier this month, a leaked Sprint inventory sheet revealed the existence of an LG device named the Optimus Slider, aka Gelato Q, that carried the model number LG700. Now it seems that that same device may be destined for Verizon, as an LG handset with the model number "VS700" just passed through the FCC with support for CDMA/EV-DO on the 850/1900MHz bands. Many LG-made devices with model numbers beginning with "VS" have hit Verizon in the past, like the VS910 LG Revolution, meaning that the VS700 is likely destined for Big Red, as well.
Although there's not a lot we know about the Optimus Slider/Gelato Q, the fact that it's a slider and has a "Q" in its codename seems to suggest that a physical QWERTY keyboard will be included on it. Do any of you Verizon folk out there think you'd be interested in an LG Optimus-style device with a sliding QWERTY pad bolted on?