iOS 4.3 is set to roll out to GSM iPhones next Friday, and along with Safari and AirPlay enhancements, it'll be bringing Personal Hotspot support, a feature which Verizon iPhone users have been enjoying for almost a month now. Fear not, AT&T iPhoners, as ATT spokesperson Seth Bloom has confirmed that his carrier will support Personal Hotspot on its iPhones. All you need to do is sign up for the $45/month 4GB Data Pro plan. Unfortunately, Mr. Bloom didn't specify exactly when ATT would support Personal Hotspot.
It's great to see ATT supporting Personal Hotspot right out of the gate, unlike they did when tethering came to iOS, which likely has something to do with the VeriPhone and the fact that it's had hotspot capabilities for almost a month now. The question is, how many people will fork over $45/month for the opportunity to use their iPhone as a hotspot. Would any of you sign up for the feature?
Via PhoneScoop