And the Samsung Galaxy Tab sales saga continues. Yesterday we heard a report that a Samsung exec said that sales of the Tab were "quite small," but now the company has chimed in to say that that quote was a little off. According to Samsung Tomorrow, Lee Young-hee actually said that sales of the device have been "quite smooth." The company even went so far as to post the snippet from the earnings call to YouTube, and it's been embedded below for your listening pleasure.
Keeping with the Tab sales claims, ITG Investment Research claims that the return rate of the device is as high as 16 percent. The firm tracked around 6,000 retail stores from the launch in November all the way through January 15th and saw returns grow as high as 13 percent. That number allegedly climbed all the way to 16 percent when holiday numbers were taken into account.
This whole story surrounding sales numbers of the Galaxy Tab is pretty interesting, and I'm not surprised that Samsung has come forward to try and put a stop to all of the reports that sales of the Tab to customers have been "small." After listening to the soundbite a few times, it does sound like the exec is saying "quite smooth," not "quite small." Take a listen for yourself and tell me what you think. Also, a question for you that own or have owned Galaxy Tab: are you happy with your device or did you end up returning it? If you did take it back to the store, what made you do it?
Via Engadget, NY Post, Samsung Tomorrow