Right around two weeks ago, Apple pushed out the second beta of iOS 4.3 and today they've followed it up by releasing the third beta of 4.3. It's available for the iPad, iPhone 3GS and 4, and third and fourth generation iPod Touches. Everyone is still digging into the new build to find what's inside, but we'll be sure update you as we learn more.
Things seem to be going swimmingly with iOS 4.3, and now that we're on the third beta and the VeriPhone is right around the corner, hopefully we'll be seeing 4.3 pushed out to us mainstream folk soon. I just hope that, when the update does finally arrive, AT&T will allow its iPhone users to take advantage of the Mobile Hotspot feature right away. Considering how long we had to wait to tether, though, I'm not going to hold my breath. Do you all think ATT will enable the hotspot feature right away or make us wait?