The HTC Merge missed its rumored November 18th launch date, but there have been hints of an impending launch popping up recently. Today we've got more evidence to add to the pile, as photos of a Body Glove snap on cover case for the Merge have shown up on the Web. Considering that the accessories are complete (but not for sale), it's looking likely that the Merge has been delayed at least once, which doesn't come as much of a surprise. Still, the possibility of an upcoming release is getting hard to ignore.
No one is quite sure just when the Merge will be released, but I'd bet that we'll be hearing more sometime soon. After all, a 360 degree view of the Merge appeared on Verizon's site just a couple of weeks ago, and now accessories are showing up, packaged and ready for the shelf. I just hope that, for the Merge's sake, VZW gets it out soon. The longer they wait, the closer we get to February and LTE devices making their arrival. And once the HTC Mecha is launched, the Merge could lose quite a bit of its luster.