BlackBerrys have been a subject of controversy as of late, with many countries in the Middle East threatening to ban RIM's smartphones because of the way that they store and transmit encrypted data. We recently learned that the BlackBerry had been given a 60-day reprieve in India as the country's officials reviewed RIM's email and messaging solution to their problems to see if it was adequate. It turns out that India's telecommunications department didn't need all 60 days, as they have rejected RIM's new offerings. Indian law enforcement wasn't able to access BlackBerry Messenger chats which, combined with RIM's problems in providing access to encrypted email services. Now India is once again threatening to ban BlackBerrys from its country.
The news of various countries planning to ban BlackBerry services is kind of surprising, and it can't be very good for RIM's image. The good news is that these countries are upset because BlackBerry's email and messaging services are too secure for their liking, so it's not like you have to worry about your messages being intercepted or hacked. No one is sure at this point if India will actually go through with their threats, but I'm sure RIM is working hard to come up with a new solution.
Via MobileBurn, Reuters