Not long after a photo of the Samsung Galaxy S Pro leaked out, the specs of the device have shown up, too. Android Central has been contacted by a "tried-and-true tipster" who has graciously divulged the specs of the Sprint-branded Galaxy S Pro. Keep in mind that this is a prototype device, but as of now the specs look like this: smooth sliding keyboard with raised, firm, and plastic keys, a Samsung-made ARM Cortex A8 1 GHz processor, a "gorgeous" Super AMOLED screen that is said to be smaller than the HTC EVO but larger than the Nexus One (probably 4 inches, like on the Galaxy S), 480x800 resolution, 512 MB of RAM, 8.2 GB of internal storage, a 5 megapixel camera on the back along with a front-facing VGA cam, WiMAX, an extra SIM slot, and a "plastic feel" body. As for software, the unit is running Android 2.1 beneath some TouchWiz 3.0 customizations.
The specs of the Galaxy S Pro certainly sound impressive, although the number of times that "plastic" was used when describing the device has me a little worried. This seems like a high-end phone, so I would hope it would sport a high-end feel, as well. I'm also not crazy about the fact that there is a skin over the top of Android. Even though there is a "really cool scrolling people widget," when it comes to the Android OS, I prefer vanilla. Still, it's exciting that we will be seeing another WiMAX handset on Sprint. While it may not have a huge screen or kickstand like the EVO, the Galaxy S Pro does have a physical QWERTY keyboard, which is enough to seal the deal for many consumers.