When writing a post about a rumor, I generally try and come up with some sort of witty comment suggesting you find something nearby - anything really - that has some semblance of NaCl. This one, however, is going to be a little different. By now you've already read the title, so you know the topic, and with that I've just got to say it can't be true. Personally, I've had little hands-on time with the KIN devices, but they certainly haven't received the type of press Microsoft/Verizon were probably hoping for. Critics have said the pricing was too high (though prices did eventually drop) and even if it was free, the $30/month data plans have also received a good deal of scrutiny from those who feel $30/month for a feature phone is a bit ridiculous.
Nonetheless, I'd find it incredibly difficult to believe that only 500 Microsoft KINs have been sold nationwide. Would I believe that only 5,000 were sold? Maybe, but even that number is pretty low for the number one carrier and number two (yep, Apple is now number one) technology firm in the country to have taken such a calculated risk. Regardless of what I think, Business Insider has posted a rumor suggesting that only 500 KINs (it doesn't specify if it's 1, 2 or both combined) have been sold. Of course, they're also asking KIN owners to come forward, presumably so they can get a better tally. Did you buy a KIN? Don't be shy, let us know!
Via SlashGear