Whenever I go to see a movie, I end up with at least three pieces of ticket-like paper in my pocket. One for the actual ticket, one for the reward card offers, and one for the credit card receipt. Movie ticket site Fandango has set out to change that today with the launch of their new "Mobile Ticket" program.
Fandango's new program will allow moviegoers to have tickets sent to their mobile phones in the form of a 2D barcode. The barcodes will be delivered via SMS or MMS and therefore will not require the use of a smartphone. However, when reading the FAQ about the program (I recommend this if you live within one of the trial markets), I discovered the following:
"If you have AT&T, Sprint or T-Mobile, you must have a phone that can receive text messages and has access to the Internet. If you have Verizon, your phone must be able to receive PIX messages. If you don't have one of the carriers listed above, Mobile Ticket is not available for you at this time."
According to the press release, the program will initially be rolled out in eight markets to include over 100 movie screens in New York, New Jersey, Texas, California, and Hawaii, "with more markets to come."
All in all this sounds pretty cool, as long as I can still get the points on my AMC and Regal frequent moviegoers card. What do you think? Leave your comments below!
Via TechCrunch