So AT&T finally pulled the MMS trigger on Friday. And only the most optimistic among us could’ve possibly thought things would go smoothly.
Less than a day after the feature’s activation, reports already started flowing in about outtages and thwarted MMS messages. The carrier’s customer service reps admit MMS latency issues nationwide, with no known estimated date of repair yet.
Okay, I may have my cynical pants on, but really, who didn’t know this was coming? We’re talking about a carrier whose network wasn’t quite up to snuff for all the communication capabilities the iPhone delivers. In trying to beef up their systems, AT&T had to delay gratification in providing one of the most requested (and let’s face it — most mundane) of features. And for what? After all that, it still doesn’t work.
Is AT&T’s network about as advanced as a series of sticks and rubberbands held together by Elmer’s glue? I’m really starting to think so.
The only question left is not whether this is a #FAIL (obviously), but rather, how big a fail is it? For myself, I know I can’t send a single pic. What about you? Are there any blessed few for whom this service actually works?
[via BoyGenius Report]