This can't be good. According to Scott Moritz at The Street, "people close to the discussions say Verizon has decided not to support the Pre." Sources say that the sudden reversal comes from Big Red's disappointment in the number of Pre's sold to date, and other rumors point to the App Catalog rules and restrictions as a deciding factor for the nation's largest wireless carrier.
If true, this would be a huge negative for Palm, and I'm even going to go out on a limb and say that this seems highly unlikely. There's two schools of thought here: Moritz's unnamed sources and the statement that "Over the next six months or so you will see devices like Palm Pre and a second generation Storm," uttered directly from the mouth of Lowell McAdam, Verizon's Chief Executive Officer.
As expected, neither Palm or Verizon are saying anything. What say you? Do you believe Scott Moritz, or do you still think we'll see the Pre on Big Red sometime soon?
Source: PreCentral, The Street