For those of you wondering how much the Palm Pre will cost without the 2-year commitment (yeah, I'm talking about you, coltbr20), here's the info: Apparently, Sprint's customer service reps are spreading the word that the Pre will cost $549.
But, says Engadget (making an excellent point), this is the off-contract price, which doesn't necessarily mean it will arrive unlocked. So if you?re thinking of grabbing the phone and running to Verizonville with it, you may have to change course.
As for the rest of you Palm nuts, if you're planning to nab the device on the June 6th Launch Day, be prepared for a long wait. (And, for goodness? sake, please, PLEASE go early, at least if you don't want to waste 10 hours in line only to go home Pre-less.)
[via Engadget Mobile]