Hey, Winmo-heads. I know there has been a lot of talk about N97s, Pres and iPhones lately, but we didn't forget about you.
If you run Windows Mobile 6 or higher and are looking for some back-up solutions for your phone, this recent announcement might be right up your alley. MyPhone has now opened for beta.
Users of this OTA back-up system get 200MB of storage gratis, which may not be a ton of space, but it's not bad for text-based files. Plus, you can think of it like having a mini Exchange Server on hand.
Of course, if your MyPhone's synced with the real MS Exchange Server, you?re not going to need this. But for the rest of you, becoming a beta tester might be worthwhile, at least for storing calendars and messages (which rarely seems important ? until you lose them all).
So far, the feedback's been pretty positive, so why not give it a whirl?
[Gizmodo via BoyGenius Report]