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Work Support: Sprint Announces Corporate Email for Dumbphones

Work Support: Sprint Announces Corporate Email for Dumbphones

Yesterday Sprint announced business email access for non-PDA phones.  Essentially this means that you can connect to your workplace email from a handful of non-smartphones, so long as your work runs...
RIP Helio: Virgin Set to Absorb Helio, Close its Doors, Kill off its Brand

RIP Helio: Virgin Set to Absorb Helio, Close its Doors, Kill off its Brand

Looks like the end is near for Helio and all you Helionauts, I'm sad to say.  Ryan Block - the Editor in Chief of Engadget Ryan Block - just reported that Helio store managers are being notified that...
VZW: Updates on Dare, Thunder, Blaze, and Visual Voicemail

VZW: Updates on Dare, Thunder, Blaze, and Visual Voicemail

Just a few quick updates for you Verizon fans tired of all the Instinct this, iPhone that talk as of late ... LG Dare may be available as soon as June 26th (next Thursday) via online sales.  July 3rd...
Free mobile content site: Myxer

Free mobile content site: Myxer

Myxer announced today that they have passed 10,000 users and 20 million downloads a month ? for you math wizards out there, that's 150 million downloads since they launched ? that is a lot of people...
$129 Instinct: Sprint Prices Instinct Aggressively to Compete With iPhone

$129 Instinct: Sprint Prices Instinct Aggressively to Compete With iPhone

Just got word across the wire that Sprint will be selling Instinct for the super low price of $129.99 after rebate with a two-year contract.  The phone must be used on a Sprint Simply Everything plan...
Instinct: Sprint Instinct Will Work on SERO Plans

Instinct: Sprint Instinct Will Work on SERO Plans

Check this out ... I just got word that Sprint's soon to be released flagship device, the Samsung Instinct, will be available for use with SERO plans.  That sound you hear is the faint but hearty...
Nuvifone: Does Garmin Have a Winner Up Its Sleeve?

Nuvifone: Does Garmin Have a Winner Up Its Sleeve?

Todd over at Laptop Magazine is in Singapore for the CommunicAsia conference, and it seems he got a hands-on demo of the Garmin Nuvifone.  You might recognize Garmin from such hits as, "Being a Giant...
Sony Ericsson Xperia X1 Review: Will the Keyboard Kill It?

Sony Ericsson Xperia X1 Review: Will the Keyboard Kill It?

BoyGenius got his hands on a pre-release Sony Ericsson Xperia X1, and his review echoes what I've been hearing - and reading on a few other blogs - about SE's flagship smartphone:  Great device,...
Mass Appeal: Of Phones and Applesauce

Mass Appeal: Of Phones and Applesauce

There's a nice post from the other day on JK On the Run warning smartphone makers to "Wake up and smell the Applesauce."  The gist of it is this: It doesn't matter whether or not Geeks find every...
Nokia officially announces and unveils the E-Series

Nokia officially announces and unveils the E-Series

Today Nokia officially unveiled the E66 and the E71 smartphone that sports a full QWERTY keyboard. Although the E66 is a sleek slider, and the E71 comes candy-bar style, the devices both support...
Nokia E71 pictures are white hot

Nokia E71 pictures are white hot

In January, our own Noah Kravitz reported that the Nokia E71 would be available in the second quarter of this year. Well, we are ready for the roll out! Peter Ha at Crunchgear posted images of the...
Hands-On: LG Decoy, Sanyo Pro 200 and 700, i-Mate 8150

Hands-On: LG Decoy, Sanyo Pro 200 and 700, i-Mate 8150

Busy days of Summer here at PhoneDog West.  I've got my paws all over a bunch of hot new phones, and they're not all called Vu, EnV2, or Instinct. Verizon Wireless just sent over the LG Decoy, a new...
Instinct: Another Video Coming Next Week

Instinct: Another Video Coming Next Week

Hey all you Instinct fans ... thanks for the comments and questions, and I just want you to know I haven't forgotten about you and we're not done yet.  I'm working on a video review of Instinct's...
8 Megapixels: Sony C905

8 Megapixels: Sony C905 "Shiho" Cameraphone

Sony Ericsson's holding a press conference next week (June 17th), and the buzz is that they're going to unveil a handful of high-end phones - and maybe a few low/mid range models as well - in an...
Summer of Phones: Verizon Announces Dare, Decoy, and Chocolate 3

Summer of Phones: Verizon Announces Dare, Decoy, and Chocolate 3

Big Red today made official what we already knew: Three new LG handsets will be hitting VZW stores over the next month. The big prize here is the LG Dare, Verizon Wireless' entry into the Touchscreen...
BlackBerry users score extra memory

BlackBerry users score extra memory

As an avid fan of BlackBerry handsets all around, I was really excited to find out about the new service Cortado Connect for The free service lets RIM users transfer files from their...
iPhone Watch : Steve Jobs WWDC Keynote

iPhone Watch : Steve Jobs WWDC Keynote

NOTE:  I'm updating this constantly, so keep refreshing every few minutes. Highlights (in reverse chronological order): iPhone 3G Announced!  Time for a new post ... Yup: $99/year.  Free 60 day...
Instinct Mini-Review : Is it Any Good?

Instinct Mini-Review : Is it Any Good?

I spent my whole weekend playing with Sprint's new Samsung Instinct.  Why?  'Cause you can't get it yet (it goes on sale June 20) and I wanted to be able to tell you all about it.  So what's my...
Instinct : Waiting for FedEx, Videos Coming Later Today

Instinct : Waiting for FedEx, Videos Coming Later Today

The FedEx guy usually comes to my office between 9 and 10 am.  So when Sprint PR emailed me last night saying I could expect my Samsung Instinct review unit this morning, I made sure to get to the...
Dare : First Live Photos of LG Dare for Verizon

Dare : First Live Photos of LG Dare for Verizon

Verizon Wireless customers have been treated to a bevy of QWERTY-fied messaging phones so far this year, but some of y'all are still feeling some touchscreen-envy in the face of the iPhones, Vus, and...



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