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Motorola loses ground, 1st place, to Samsung

Motorola loses ground, 1st place, to Samsung

Motorola's home field advantage couldn't protect the cell phone giant's title as champion of US sales in Q3, analysts have announced. The South Korean Samsung now controls 22.4% of the market. LG,...
BlackBerry trade-ups from invigorated Flipswap

BlackBerry trade-ups from invigorated Flipswap

Flipswap is on a mission: reuse the reusable, recycle the recyclable, reduce waste, and plant a whole lot of trees. Not only that, but they want to buy your old phone. Since their launch in 2005, the...
Reach out and REALLY touch someone

Reach out and REALLY touch someone

Imagine this: You're sitting in front of the TV, watching Adam and Jamie blow something up on Mythbusters, when a call comes in from your latest gf/bf. But instead of hearing your Leona Lewis...
Mini-Review: Sanyo Katana Eclipse X

Mini-Review: Sanyo Katana Eclipse X

Being sick is never fun unless you've got gadgets in hand and loads of uninterrupted time to play with them! Last week, I did battle with fits of coughing, wheezing and general yuckiness, as well as...
Eitri, Ivalo, IP08 and Corolla: Nokia's working on some superphones

Eitri, Ivalo, IP08 and Corolla: Nokia's working on some superphones

Wondering if the XpressMusic 5800 is the only all-touch phone you'll ever see from Nokia?  Wishing the kids in Espoo would move beyond the N95/N96 candybar form factor and jump into the crazy new...
Quickfire: Lookie here, it's the AT&T Quickfire

Quickfire: Lookie here, it's the AT&T Quickfire

BGR's gone live with the first in-the-wild photos of the much anticipated AT&T Quickfire.  The highest-end of AT&T's four new messaging phones is built by PCD (formerly UTStarcom) and looks...
Bold: Is the BlackBerry Bold the Best Smartphone in the World?

Bold: Is the BlackBerry Bold the Best Smartphone in the World?

Straight up, I'm drinking the Kool-Aid here.  I went into my review of the new BlackBerry Bold fully expecting it to knock my socks off.  Why lie about it - I am and will continue to be objective as...
Verizon takes San Francisco by Storm to give away 100 BlackBerry devices

Verizon takes San Francisco by Storm to give away 100 BlackBerry devices

According to the very well connected Boy Genius, Verizon is setting up a BlackBerry Storm challenge in San Francisco's Justin Hermann Plaza downtown. For a chance to win, step inside the  BlackBerry...
Pro Day: BlackBerry Bold and Sprint Touch Pro Arrive!

Pro Day: BlackBerry Bold and Sprint Touch Pro Arrive!

Nothing brightens up a rainy Monday in November like the FedEx lady, huh?  It's cold and dreary here in Berkeley, but the PhoneDog West offices heated up considerably with this morning's package...
AT&T says Happy Halloween, to iPhone (and now BlackBerry) users

AT&T says Happy Halloween, to iPhone (and now BlackBerry) users

If you're an iPhone user, you probably got a little treat yesterday via SMS: You now have "free AT&T Wi-Fi access at thousands of hotspots nationwide, including Starbucks." Now the carrier...
Hands-On: Early thoughts on the Samsung Epix smartphone

Hands-On: Early thoughts on the Samsung Epix smartphone

I've had the Samsung Epix i907 Windows Mobile smartphone (AT&T) for about a week now, and spent two days or so getting extra-cozy with it on a trip to Dallas late last week.  While it's no secret...
X1: Sample photos and videos taken with SE Xperia X1

X1: Sample photos and videos taken with SE Xperia X1

Between all of the new releases that hit over the past two weeks, my trip down to Dallas to visit Samsung Mobile, and getting ready for the premiere of PhoneDog TV (!!!), I haven't had time to drool...
Wanna split a $2,000 Aura with me?

Wanna split a $2,000 Aura with me?

I should be ashamed. With millions of Americans out of work, the economy on the brink of collapse and mortgages failing every minute, what am I doing looking at the ridiculously priced Motorola Aura...
Getting Juiced: 7 ways to extend your battery life

Getting Juiced: 7 ways to extend your battery life

My friend Diane and I made plans for happy hour at 6:30 last week, so when I showed up at 7:10, she wasn't too thrilled to see me. Maybe if my cell battery hadn't died, I could've spared her the...
Breaking News: HTC Touch Pro launches at Sprint Oct. 26th

Breaking News: HTC Touch Pro launches at Sprint Oct. 26th

If you've been holding out for the new HTC Touch Pro with Sprint, the time has arrived, almost.  HTC & Sprint announced today that the Touch Pro can be purchased in "select national Sprint...
Phones, phones, phones!

Phones, phones, phones!

There are a lot of new phones out there; on the shelves or ready to drop. And I've got three in hand. Sprint's latest offerings from Samsung--the Highnote and Rant--are at the top of my review list....
How to get music on your BlackBerry

How to get music on your BlackBerry

BlackBerry has built its reputation on being an easy-to-use smartphone that handles e-mail extremely well. Not one to rest on its laurels, RIM has teamed up with Roxio to provide a media manager...
Road Trip!: Heading to Dallas to visit Samsung Mobile

Road Trip!: Heading to Dallas to visit Samsung Mobile

When you were a kid, did your parents make you get dressed up when you rode on a plane?  Mine didn't, but I kind of feel like that now as I get ready to fly to Dallas, TX to spend two days at Samsung...
Dev details on BlackBerry apps

Dev details on BlackBerry apps

Developers will begin submitting programs and content in December, choosing their own price for the products, which will be purchasable via Paypal. Future BlackBerry phones will feature an...
Smart shopping: What is the

Smart shopping: What is the "best" phone?

I get this question a lot:  Noah, which is better, the "blah blah phone" or the "blee blee phone."  Could be iPhone and G1, could be RAZR and KRZR - my answer is always the same: "Depends on what you...



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