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Michigan becomes 14th state to ban texting while driving

Michigan becomes 14th state to ban texting while driving

Using your phone while driving is a pretty dangerous thing to do, but texting is the worst since it takes more focus and time than simply dialing a phone number.  Today Michigan joined 14 other...
T-Mobile to stop selling Sidekicks as of July 2nd

T-Mobile to stop selling Sidekicks as of July 2nd

It looks as though this week is becoming the official (no, not really official) week to end the lives of Microsoft cell phones, some earlier than others.  Yesterday we found out that the KIN was...
Motorola Quench XT3 and XT5 (Greco) passes FCC, en route to AT&T

Motorola Quench XT3 and XT5 (Greco) passes FCC, en route to AT&T

Remember the Motorola XT502, a.k.a. Greco, that the Bluetooth SIG outed a little over a month ago?  The device was just spotted again, this time waltzing through the FCC.  A look at the test...
Adobe: Don't worry, Flash for webOS is still coming

Adobe: Don't worry, Flash for webOS is still coming

A couple of weeks ago, Palm was unsure about the status of Flash on its webOS platform.  Adobe, however, knows exactly what is going on.  Today the company updated us all on the Flash Player...
Apple iAds begin to appear on iOS 4 devices

Apple iAds begin to appear on iOS 4 devices

When Apple announced their new advertising strategy titled iAd, they said we could expect to begin seeing the ads July 1st.  While there were a few apps that jumped the gun and displayed placeholder...
Camera on iPhone 4 has white-balance issues, adds icing to the cake

Camera on iPhone 4 has white-balance issues, adds icing to the cake

Just when you thought things couldn't possibly get worse for Apple (well, you probably didn't actually think that), yet another problem with the iPhone 4 surfaces.  It looks like some folks are...
Rumor: iTunes to gain cloud capabilities and wireless syncing

Rumor: iTunes to gain cloud capabilities and wireless syncing

Apple, unlike Google, hasn't been known as a company that embraces the cloud, but if a Boy Genius Report tipster is correct, all of that will be changing soon.  A "reliable Apple source" has shared...
Let your iPhone 4 signal LiveStrong with a bracelet

Let your iPhone 4 signal LiveStrong with a bracelet

Amidst all the iPhone 4 antenna/signal drama, there exists at least one man who instead of complaining (though he rightfully could), has decided to take matters into his own hands.  Oliver Nelson,...
Motorola Charm and Samsung Supersonic pricing leaked

Motorola Charm and Samsung Supersonic pricing leaked

We've seen a few leaks of the Motorola Charm, which is headed to T-Mobile, but we've been missing the all important release and price information.  Today we can scratch one of those off thanks to...
Symbian Guru goes Android, leaves Nokia and Symbian

Symbian Guru goes Android, leaves Nokia and Symbian

Check your calendars folks, is it April 1st?  Nope.  So I guess it's time to ask yourself, what do you do when a self-proclaimed guru calls it quits?  Do you leave with him, or do you stick to your...
Samsung to cut AMOLED power use, double lifespan by end of 2011

Samsung to cut AMOLED power use, double lifespan by end of 2011

Samsung is known for creating displays for smartphones, especially their Super AMOLED screens.  Today they announced plans to continue to improve on those designs by cutting AMOLED power consumption...
Yahoo! launches Mail, Messenger, and Search apps for Android

Yahoo! launches Mail, Messenger, and Search apps for Android

Better late than never, Yahoo! users - your search company has joined the Android Market with Mail, Messenger, and Search applications.  As you would expect, Yahoo's new Mail app allows you to view...
HP's acquisition of Palm complete,

HP's acquisition of Palm complete, "amazing roadmap" planned

HP's acquisition of Palm was announced just a couple of months ago, and now the deal is complete.  After the deal was quickly moved through all of the lawyers and red tape, Palm has made the...
Samsung Galaxy S coming to Cellular South, now up to six carriers

Samsung Galaxy S coming to Cellular South, now up to six carriers

So there is now a Samsung Galaxy S phone headed to five different carriers (Verizon, AT&T, T-Mobile, Sprint, and U.S. Cellular) in the country.  You would think five carriers would be enough for...
Jobs to frustrated iPhone 4 user:

Jobs to frustrated iPhone 4 user: "It is just a phone. Not worth it."

Alright folks, hold on to your britches for this one, it's about to get good, real good!  One of BGRs readers, who they're calling "Tom," posted a video on YouTube of his iPhone 4 displaying poor...
Sprint Epic 4G gets a promotional video

Sprint Epic 4G gets a promotional video

The Samsung Galaxy S line of devices are getting ready to hit the US like a wave of awesome.  Starting with the T-Mobile Vibrant on July 21st, all four devices should be hitting the streets by the...
Apple and AT&T hit with first class action lawsuit

Apple and AT&T hit with first class action lawsuit

Today marks exactly one week since Apple's iPhone 4 became available to the public.  It's been a crazy week, and I actually feel (just a very little) bad for Apple and AT&T employees who are...
Foursquare security breach exposes 875,000 check-ins

Foursquare security breach exposes 875,000 check-ins

Foursquare is one of the more controversial social networks available, as many don't want people knowing where they are at any given time.  Those fears have gotten real as hacker Jesper Andersen...
Second wave of iPhone 4s will arrive July 7th

Second wave of iPhone 4s will arrive July 7th

Unless you've been living under a rock in the middle of the desert with no access to any sort of technology or communication, you're probably aware of the slew of problems Apple and AT&T have...
iPhone 3G, hacked to run Android 2.2, is now unlocked as well

iPhone 3G, hacked to run Android 2.2, is now unlocked as well

Remember when the iPhone 3G managed to get itself a port of Android 2.2 before most Android devices were able to?  Now the Froyo-toting iPhone 3G has one-upped itself, as Sergio McFly has unlocked...



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