Earlier this week, iOS 9.1 began rolling out, giving iPhone and iPad users new emoji characters like a middle finger, a taco, and a burrito. Now Android users are wondering when they’ll get access to the same awesome emoji.
Hiroshi Lockheimer, Google’s SVP of Android, Chomecast, and Chrome OS, says that he hears Android users’ cries for new emoji. Lockheimer recently Tweeted “So I have a feeling y’all want new emojis?”, adding that Google is “on it.” However, he doesn’t offer any timeframe in which we can expect the new emoji characters to arrive.
There are some great emoji characters included in the latest Unicode releases, including a taco and a unicorn. It’s no surprise that Android users want access to them, especially since their iOS counterparts now have access. It’s unclear exactly how long it’ll take Google to incorporate the new emoji characters into Android, but hey, at least we know that Google’s on it!