Samsung has released a trio of Galaxy Note devices to date, with two smartphones and a tablet making up the current Note family. It looks like Samsung may have another Note on the way, though, as a device with the model number GT-N5100 has begun making the pre-announcement benchmark rounds. The N5100 has entries in both the GLBenchmark and NenaMark tests, and according to its entries on those sites it packs a 1280x800 display of unknown size, 1.6GHz quad-core Exynos 4412 processor (like the one in the Galaxy Note II) and Android 4.1.2. As Engadget notes, the presence of the term "kona3g" in one of the benchmarks suggests that the N5100 may also pack cellular connectivity.
The Galaxy Note family as it stands now is made up of the 5.3-inch original Note (GT-N7000), 5.5-inch Note II (GT-N7100) and Note 10.1 tablet (3G model: GT-N8000, Wi-Fi model: GT-N8010). As I mentioned before, it's not yet clear exactly where this new GT-N5100 will slot into the lineup size-wise. There is a DLNA listing that calls the N5100 out as a tablet, though, and considering that the Note 10.1 is still pretty fresh, a smaller slate certainly seems like a possibility. Now we just need Samsung to announce the thing and fill us in on all of the finer details of N5100. If it is indeed a small tablet, perhaps it'll follow in the footsteps of its bigger brother and hold its coming out party in Barcelona? We'll have to wait and see.
Via Engadget, SamMobile, GLBenchmark, NenaMark, DLNA, Samsung user agent profile