Yesterday, LG announced the launch date of its latest flagship device, the LG G8 ThinQ. As slated on the report, the device is set to arrive on US shores on April 11th and will sell for $850. During its announcement, the smartphone manufacturer revealed that some carriers and retailers were offering discounts on purchases made on the LG G8 ThinQ. But today, we’re getting more information on promotions available on this device.
Generally, you can get an unlocked G8 ThinQ for $699.99 discounted from Best Buy. But according to Phone Arena, you can get further discounts from Best Buy. The discount can even land you a free LG G8 ThinQ.
The report shows that this deal is available for AT&T customers who purchase this device under a monthly installment plan and activate a new account or new line of service. Doing this will land you a monthly bill credit of $27.67 per month for 30 months or $34.59 per month for 2 years. The good news is that this deal does not require any trade-ins or any other loopholes to worry about.
For existing AT&T subscribers that want to upgrade to this phone, a $300 discount is the only option for the device. But this comes in a monthly installment option of paying $17.66 for 2.5 years or $22.09 for 2 years.
For Sprint customers, Best Buy also has an LG G8 ThinQ deal that’s worth checking out. You can purchase the device with a $520 discount. Those who upgrade can also go for a monthly payment of $13.33 for 2 years after instant savings of $100 and $17.50 bill credits.
The only catch to what looks to be an awesome deal is that this promotion is not yet available on Best Buy. While pre-orders of the unlocked LG G8 ThinQ are already available the deal for AT&T and Sprint customers are still being listed as “coming soon” on their website. But it’s possible this will be available real soon. You just have to make sure to keep a close eye on this page so the offer does not run out on you.