Taylor Martin

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Taylor Martin

Taylor Martin is the Managing Editor for PhoneDog and has over six years of experience with BlackBerry and two or more years of hands-on experience with mobile platforms like Android, webOS, and iOS. When he isn't writing into the wee hours of the morning, Taylor is hacking, tweaking, and modding one of his phones or tablets to do his laundry and cook his breakfast. Away from cell phones and other gadgets, Taylor spends his time with friends and family and enjoys playing video games, eating sushi, tweeting, and watching anything of worth on Netflix – especially documentaries. If you have any Netflix recommendations or tech-related questions, follow him on Twitter. Just remember to keep it under 140 characters, folks.

Author's latest articles, videos, reviews and more...

Sagem Puma Phone roars through FCC

Back at MWC, Sagem announced a new device headed towards the UK market, the Puma Phone. Last week the device popped up in FCC's system, and appears to have gained the green light. This device is...

Oprah Winfrey pushes for "No Phone Zone Day"

Never fear! When the world is in danger Oprah Winfrey will swoop in to save the day. After law enforcement's many near-failed attempts at banning cellphone use in cars, Oprah has decided to make a...

App storage on SD card coming to an Android near you?

Hold on to your butts! (Kudos to anyone that knows that reference.) What all of us Android fans have been eagerly waiting for is just around the corner. Application storage on your microSD card was...

Verizon offers free push-to-talk for BlackBerry Tour 9630

As you all may know, Verizon rolled out a push-to-talk (PTT) service for BlackBerry Tour users at the end of March. Verizon has since started sending emails to those users informing them of an offer...

RIM ousts Motorola, becomes fourth largest phone maker

Over the past year or so, BlackBerry bashin’ has become a very popular hobby for users of all other mobile platforms. The aged OS and redundant hardware has kept many consumers disinterested and...

Palm releases webOS for Verizon Wireless customers

Among all the hype of the Palm buyout, it’s good to see that Palm can stay focused and still be churning out some updates for webOS. The update is intended to fix some known, very annoying issues,...

Apple buys Siri, maker of virtual assistant app

Apple’s acquisition of Siri is sure to ruffle some feathers over at Google headquarters. Siri is the developer of a Virtual Personal Assistant application for the iPhone platform that aims to give...

Commtiva Blaze passes FCC testing

It seems as if another Android device has just passed through the FCC, the Commtiva Blaze (F800). Here are the specs dissected from the FCC testing: Radio Band & Standard GSM/GPRS/EDGE 850...

Mystery HTC slider passes through FCC with AT&T 3G bands and Android buttons

What have we here? It seems as if HTC has just filed a new phone with FCC for testing. The test setup photos from A Test Lab Techno Corp. (ATL) show that HTC is in fact working on another horizontal...

Sirius XM application comes to Android platform

The Sirius XM application has been available for the iPhone and iPod touch for about a year.  According to Engadget, a Sirius app is on its way to the Android platform, but the press release is...

Nexus One to support Wi-Fi 802.11n

Some of you may remember a short time prior to the release of the initial T-Mobile Nexus One, Google had briefly listed in the device specifications that it would support 802.11n.  HTC, on the other...

Motorola Milestone users get Android 2.1 update

Finally, the agonizing wait is over for Motorola Milestone users on Telus. The long overdue Android 2.1 update has arrived, but in a distasteful manner.  Unfortunately, Telus users don’t get an OTA...

CDMA BlackBerry 9670 flip revealed

Well well well, look at what we have here!   Not only do we get a glimpse of OS 6.0 and its capabilities, but we get decent pictures of a rumored device from RIM sporting the sexy new OS all in one...

OTA update being pushed to Motorola Devour

Exciting news for Motorola Devour users, as Verizon is now pushing out OTA (over the air) updates for the Android-powered device. Though this isn’t the much-anticipated 2.1 update that everyone is...

Rumor: RadioShack to quit selling Palm Pre and Pixi

Just when it seems Palm has hit rock bottom, they slip even further into what could be the point of no return.  Rumor has it that Radio Shack is cycling the Palm Pre and Pixi out of their nationwide...
