Apple’s acquisition of Siri is sure to ruffle some feathers over at Google headquarters. Siri is the developer of a Virtual Personal Assistant application for the iPhone platform that aims to give you a real assistant experience. Without beating around the bush, they offer voice search with the implementation of a few other services to bring everything into one application for ease of use. That sure sounds like Apple is trying to compete with Google on another level to me.
The deal was approved by the Federal Trade Commission as a deal granted early termination under the Hart-Scott-Rodino Act. The company is still fairly new and has raised $24 million in their short, two-year run. Based on that, Business Insider estimated Siri sold for somewhere between $100 million and $200 million, but there was no official disclosure on how much Apple paid out for them.
Siri’s site claims that they planned to expand to other mobile platforms, so it will be interesting to see what Apple plans to do with them in the coming months. Check out the video below for a demonstration of the product, and hit the comments with your thoughts!
Via Business Insider