One of the changes in the big Snapchat redesign that rolled out earlier this year was that Stories posted by your friends would be sorted algorithmically rather than chronologically, showing you the Stories that it thought you'd like to see first. Now it looks like Snapchat may be swapping back to the old sorting.
Some Snapchat users are now seeing their friends' Stories in reverse chronological order. The Friends and Discover tabs from the redesign are still there, but now Stories from your friends will appear in the reverse order of when they were posted, so the newest stuff will appear at the top of your feed.
Snapchat hasn't commented on this rollout, so it's unclear if this is just a test or if it's slowly rolling out to everyone.
This is a big change for Snapchat, and it's one that's sure to please the heavy users who don't want Snapchat messing with their feeds. With a reverse chronological order, you know that the top of your feed is showing what your friends are up to right at that moment. We'll have to wait and see if this feature does indeed roll out to all Snapchat users, but if you're a heavy user, be sure to keep an eye on your feed in the coming days.