Earlier this month, Verizon pushed an update to its version of the Galaxy Note 7 that prevents the phone from charging. The goal was to get all remaining Note 7s returned as part of Samsung’s recall, but some customers are still using their devices, and so now Verizon is ready to step up its efforts.
Verizon has confirmed that “thousands” of its customers are still using the Samsung Galaxy Note 7. These people figured out a way to avoid the update that disabled the Note 7’s ability to charge, and so they’re still walking around with their potentially dangerous phone.
Now Verizon plans to take things even farther by placing the remaining Note 7 phones in a special category on its network. When this happens, outbound phone calls will only connect to Verizon's customer service, with the exception of calls made to 911.
Verizon adds that it’s even considering billing the remaining Note 7 owners for the full retail price of the device.
These moves to get recalled Galaxy Note 7 phones back to Samsung are getting extreme, and it’s kind of surprising to hear Verizon taking such a stand after the big red carrier was originally opposed to the Note 7-disabling update. Still, the Note 7s that remain in the wild are potentially dangerous to their owners and those around them, and so they need to be turned in to Samsung.